Hume, Warrior
Level 10
Republic of Bastok - Shiva server
4 Missions completed
3 Skills learned -- email
Chronosquall -- handle
Not bad for a day\'s work after installing it, registering, configuring playonline, downloading updates, finding a friend on a particular server, and teaming up with him to earn quick experience. There\'s just so much I need to learn right now that it just seems so overwhelming, but it will all become apparent to me in no time.
Update: Played some more today and completed a quest to see Cid. I learned the Warrior skill provoke and a couple of other abilities. I earned about 150 gil thus far by simply fighting enemies and I still have all of the items I found through battle and that\'s definitely quite a few. Even picked up a nice shell shield that I can\'t use for another level and that\'s been a hinderance since I\'ve died a few times already. Boy could I use some white mage abilties.
Update 2: Gained two more levels today up to level 8 and acquired a new leather tunic which is a very stylish white as well as a new sword for Level 9 characters I grabbed by completing a quest. I also started fighting for the republic of Bastok and began to collect tons and tons of crystals. Anyways, I\'m now half way to level 9 and can\'t wait to play some more tomorrow. It\'s kind of fun keeping my journal up to date through this. It\'s more fun this way.
Update 3: Raised another few levels today and yesterday to get to level 10. Now I have access to scaled armor. I also learned the ins and outs of the Auction House and am super glad I did as my fortune has quintoupled in about a day or two from 1000+ gil to about 5000+. Impressive. Also, partying with two or three people is great fun!