^ you\'re right JP. Over at the IGN Metal Gear Solid boards there\'s this girl who is very nice and loves MGS.
But, she\'s also quite a Sega fangirl who hates Sony\'s guts, so
she has refused up until now 2 get a PS2. She plays MGS1 on
PC and her DC Bleemcast and MGS2 Substance on her aging Pentium 1.6 ghz pc. She\'s got a Cube for Sonic games and she\'ll be getting Twin Snakes for it. Like Paul, she also said she\'ll get a PS2 emulator when MGS3 arrives ROFLMAO
But besides her Sony hating, she\'s a nice person
btw. just look at this
PC minimum requirements (gap gets bigger with recommended req.) (while our PS2 runs the games at 294 mhz and 4 mb video ram, plus maybe a scart RGB or s-video cable for sweet visuals) ;
Splinter Cell (xbox born):
Processor: 800 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
RAM: 256 MB of RAM
Video Card: 32 MB video card
Silent Hill 3 (ps2 born):
1 GHz Pentium III or Athlon processor (or equivalent)
256 MB RAM
GeForce3 Ti/Radeon 8500 Video Chipset w/32MB VRAM
4X CD-ROM or 2X DVD-ROM drive