We all know your here, we don\'t need 30+ posts from you everday just to prove it.
Why cant I post alot? I have every right to, as long as it follows the rules. Spamming is vague, and from what one persons perspective can tell; it isnt spamming.
Oh- I also seem to remember your J.Lo pictures that were so important to post :rolleyes:.
This isnt making a whole lot of sense. Considering other things that have been posted here have been far worse than my jiggly breasts. The female breasts are just their, what is so bad about them?
If you look around, I usually cuss sometimes, but so? its edited, I look at peoples signatures and I can see profanity and subliminal messages etc. right in it. Me having a picture of womans breasts isnt any worse, or better.
My one question; What are you doing on a videogame forum at work? Shouldnt you be working?
Hell I wouldnt be suprised if I was temp. banned, but they would know its unjust. I have done nothing wrong.
But seeing how so many people are being such hardass\'s- I\'ll chill the **** out. :rolleyes: