My personal philosophy on life:
We are animals like LIC said to do nothing but reproduce. But since we are so advanced, we invent these "feelings" like love which leads to marriage. In primitive times, man never loved, they just mated but as humans became so advanced mentally, that all changed.
I feel that man invented religion to better a terrible situation and to make them feel that all this suffering will one day lead to salvation (ok, I\'m talking about Christianity at the Roman times as an example). Then it boomed during the Dark Ages because times were terrible and it gave people hope that they\'ll find salvation after a long hard life. This is why religion has grown so far and I feel doesn\'t really have much of a place in modern times. If you chose to believe, thats you but I chose not to follow any religion.
Religion is used as a weapon now and I think its more powerful than any nuclear bomb or rifle in any arsenal. Governments use it as a tool to get people to stay away from crime. Terrorists and fanatics use it as a reason to get into wars and claim to have a purpose (grr, I just had good ideas but they can\'t seem to make it to my fingers to type :rpissed: ). Infact, in Russia post Russian Revolution era, it was encouraged by Stalin. Why? He used it to keep people in line and to let them forget about the terrible conditions. It also can be used by certain ethnic groups as a reason to invade countries or send missionaries (which I feel missionaries should leave people alone). If I think of better examples, I\'ll post them. I seriously have them

Now my philosophy on life. I say in modern times to live life to its fullest. Go out, get drunk, have a threesome or a foursome, enjoy life. You only have one life and its been my philosophy to live it to its fullest. My greatest fear used to be that I will look back on my life and feel I wasted it.
We are here on this earth as animals. Our mission is the same as all other animals. Eat, crap, grow and make more annoying little humans to repopulate the world with. We are just animals but really advanced animals.