Child Molesters: Have their penises cut off and preserved in a jar that is permanently mounted on their kitchen table.
Rapists (Raping people 13+) : Have their balls cut off and have them raped by a 400 pound inmate named Bubba.
Thiefs: have their possesions taken from them and a nice kick in the balls by ooseven.
Murderers: depending on the degree: big murders they die the same way as their victims. small murders, life imprisonment followed by a kick in the balls by ooseven
Con-Artists: all their money taken from them followed by a night with sammy
Corrupted Govt Officials: sent to France
Corrupted Cops: send to Greenland
Perverts (Peeping toms, etc) : Porn taken away from them.
Rich People after going to trial 2nd time(OJ for example) : sent to Scotland. I\'m sure ooseven will drive them insane.
Michael Jackson: remove all his plastic
Jar, good to see you back.