Berrera didn\'t take the fight seriously enough, otherwise he would have won.
PS. Naseem Hamed is a total tit, I never rated him anyway. Berrera showed him for what he really was, and that was a second rate fighter in a 3rd rate division.
Hameds real problem was fighting opponents that were way outside his class bracket, and that gave him a false sense of superiority. Berrera blew that away, it\'s no wonder that he has only had one fight since losing his phoney 100% record, he\'s shit-scared of taking on another top fighter, he knows as well as I do, that he will be brushed aside with relative ease
Brendan Ingle saw the iceberg coming, he jumped ship in time.
Even if Hamed does try to mount a comeback, he won\'t do much, he\'s been out of action for too long.
Anyway, back to Berrera, if that was a title fight, he would have trained harder, and would have won.