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Originally posted by mm thats for keeping us updatedany other trivial thoughts you\'de like to share?
Originally posted by lionken07 I heard that tomorrow will snow for real. Today\'s melt way too early. Time to bring out my car tomorrow night. I love snow!
After some initial snowfall in D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia, some relatively warm ocean air will make it inland and cause precipitation to roll back to rain. These cities will see snow entering the picture once again late tonight and through all day Saturday finally letting up by Sunday morning. Significant accumulations of snow is likely. New York may never truely temporarily change over to rain, thus their snow, starting late this morning or early this afternoon, may pile up to rather high totals. Up to a foot of snow in New York City would not be out of the question after everything is said and done.
Originally posted by Green Meanie Isn\'t New York at about the same level as the U.K. ?Just wondering why it\'s always cold and damp here with absolutely no fun bits like snow.
Originally posted by Coredweller I\'m glad you losers get the snow and not me. BTW, I\'m planning to cruise up PCH tomorrow morning and then tear through the Malibu canyons in my convertible. Have a nice day!