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Author Topic: Can anyone beat me @ gambling?  (Read 890 times)

Offline Cerberus

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Can anyone beat me @ gambling?
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2003, 04:02:46 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
If you put $100 on red, black, odd and even, they\'re bound to cancel eachother out. Sure you\'ll get 2 out of 2 each time, but in order to win $400, you shell out $400. No gain there.

Yeah there is, it goes up a lot more than it goes down, doing that, I had nearly $12000 in the space of about 10 minutes.
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Can anyone beat me @ gambling?
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2003, 04:10:15 AM »
Cerberus, it just doesn\'t work that way. Try playing again - this time with $100 only on red, black, odd and even. Trust me, you\'ll gain zero, zip, nada - nothing.

In fact you\'ll only lose money in the long run - namely when 0 or 00 is picked.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 04:11:27 AM by Samwise »
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Cerberus

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Can anyone beat me @ gambling?
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2003, 04:26:21 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Cerberus, it just doesn\'t work that way. Try playing again - this time with $100 only on red, black, odd and even. Trust me, you\'ll gain zero, zip, nada - nothing.

In fact you\'ll only lose money in the long run - namely when 0 or 00 is picked.

You didn\'t read what I originally posted did you?

I said put 100 on red black odd & even, THEN put the rest on random numbers.

If you put them on random numbers, you do get money back quicker than you lose it, if you put the lot on random numbers, you would probably get more back, but would increase any losses you would incur. Putting one one each of the 4, it cuts your potential maximum loss.
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

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Can anyone beat me @ gambling?
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2003, 04:32:24 AM »
I did read what you wrote. But I\'m just telling you how putting money on those four \'slots\' have nothing to say in your earning. I know all your winnings came from the random numbers - and the winnings would not be any different had you chosen not to put money on red, black, odd and even.

You win $400 that way. But you also lose $400. Every single time. That\'s why it doesn\'t matter if you do that (in fact it just means more work for you).

It\'s simple math really.
(thanks Chizzy!)


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