Originally posted by videoholic
So you got screwed over yet you already saw the movie?
What about the people who haven\'t seen it? Aren\'t you really screwing them over?
Screw those losers. Like the losers who haven\'t bought the EE\'s yet (hard to believe - but I was in best Buy lastnight and people was buying both of the EE\'s) - but no. I had not see the movie yet.
It was simple..
Capcom and I was goin\' to see it Wensday night - he was going to get online tickets, because I was workin\' and so was he. Online ticketing was down most the day and when it was up, it sold out..
I didn\'t know our local craptacular cinema was goin\' to play it, so I didn\'t get tickets while I was on break at work. Come time to get off work, they was sold out - so couldn\'t get tickets there.
So, we went ahead, Wensday night and bought tickets online for a Thursday evening show.