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Author Topic: Just came back from seeing Muse live...  (Read 429 times)

Offline nO-One

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Just came back from seeing Muse live...
« on: December 10, 2003, 04:27:32 PM »
wasn\'t planning on seeing them but I managed to score a ticket for free twenty minutes before the concert began, which was nice.

Haven\'t really listened a lot to the band, Muscle Museum is a pretty nice song which I listen to from time to time, Stockholm Syndrome too.
They surprised me, pretty good on stage and were visibly enjoying themselves.

High point of the concert was when the played Muscle Museum, after a nice but rather long piano solo by the singer the song started and the crowd went crazy.

But all in all it was a nice evening, Wednesday night concert wOOt.
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Just came back from seeing Muse live...
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2003, 04:29:44 PM »
I bought Showbiz after just hearing that one song, Muscle Museum, which is a great song, but the album was absolute crap. I gave it to a friend two days later. What a waste of money. And the other and newer stuff I\'ve heard from them are just as bad.

I pretty much hate them now.

Offline kopking
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Just came back from seeing Muse live...
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2003, 01:22:54 PM »
i l;ike there first album, its good imo, second one takes a while to get into, not really heard the third, there quite cool, though, would like to see them live
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