With his current form I take it part 2 will be in about three days time!
It\'s genius what\'s been done though, first you tie a country up in European red tape so much that as soon as you try and cut yourself free you fall over.
If you look on the BBC new website in the talking points section the overriding view is that a United States of Europe is a really bad idea. The simple thing is if you take a general opinion of each country it turns out that no-one likes anyone. How the f*ck are we supposed to get any sort of fair deal with the mountain of bullshit they seem incapable of forgetting.
Add to that Tony Blair being a c*cksucker and brown-nose to anybody he feels will aid him in furthering his own career and we\'re screwed if we get in deeper.
It\'s a joke that was made but no-one found funny. It\'s also pissing on the fire of democracy, to this point we haven\'t been asked what we would like with regards to Europe, not a single thing, and it makes me so angry I feel like becoming a rioting yob just so I can trash some government owned crap.
Blair needs stopping, be it with the power of the vote or the 50 calibre sniper round, he just needs stopping as it\'s getting totally f*cking insane.
(yes, I\'m f#cking angry)