Originally posted by NVIDIA256
I\'m Confused here, the XT line by ATI (9800XT) is the top end card, how is the XT clocked slower, it\'s the fastest core on .15 from ATI?
Both ATI and nVidia have XT lines now. Stupid marketing from nVidia\'s side.
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
sammy.... Listen carefully. They are the Cheaper, slower versions of the high end cards. Just as MX were to TI. (i\'m not saying to the extent of the MX cards) So, they are the MX cards of the dx9 series. I\'m not comparing there performance to MX cards, i\'m saying they are cheaper versions like the mx cards.. Understand yet?
Yes, I understand that they are slower. They have to be to be cheaper, otherwise they\'d steal all the thunder from the most expensive cards. The thing here is, that
the performance is very close to the more expensive cards and it has the SAME features. That\'s very unlike the currect MX series (which is crap compared to the Ti cards). So if people were smart they\'d buy the XT instead. Hence the reason I also showed you the benchmarks. Have you seen them yet?
Basically their XT card is the new Ti4200 - only that you\'d have to clock the TI4200 (which was easily done in most cases) and it\'d compete with the high end cards, just for a (much) cheaper price. Basically it\'s the smart buyer\'s card.