I know it\'s about fur coats, but it doesn\'t make much of a difference.
For thousands of years, we\'ve been using animals like this. It\'s not going to stop until we have replicators..

All joking aside, animals have little purpose outside of nature. They don\'t have aspirations outside of survival. It\'s survival of the fittest and most intelligent, and the human race stands alone in this category.
Some animals get taken as pets and treated as miniature humans as much as possible, most remain free, and many get bred solely to die for our use. Survival of the fittest. If you don\'t want to endorse the "murder" of animals for our benefit, don\'t eat meat and don\'t wear certain garments. Please, just don\'t go out into the street with a holier-than-thou attitude and a brain-dead "animals=/>humans" sensibility and expect rational folks to take you seriously.