vid, thats a bit harsh.
Kelly, Guy, the Norway dude and the chick who sang in Arabic were the only ones in my book who sounded like they had real talent.
The Canadian guy (as well as the judge) was really stuck up and thought he was great (I think it was just Canada trying to get noticed for something) and that guy with the glasses was really crap too. The Sth African guy was a pretty boy and Will Young was just crap. He would have been better if he did a better song but I just didn\'t buy into that whole \'Light my fire, light my fire\' crap, plus he is gay, so he should have just sang a song about a guy instead of trying to be something he isn\'t.
Vote #1 for GUY!
Download some songs of his from Kazaa (ok, Im not encouraging piracy) and I think you\'ll be impressed with his vocal abilities. His album is called \'Just As I Am\' and its already gone 6x Platnium in Australia within like 3 weeks (amost 500 000 units). I suggest anyone with a fast cable connection who cares to download "Climb Every Mountain" which was live from the show (available readily on Kazaa) It is just simply amazing".
I think he is great, as is Kelly, though I have heard her sing better.