Of note is that a simmilar article on CBC said that the canadian version of the RIAA, the CMIAA or something like that, would begin suits in Canada next year... it will be interesting.
They (that group) pushed through a levy on all CDRs and DVDrs of 7 and 49 cents respectively, that goes to them for piracy - in essence, we are paying to have the right to download and burn MP3s (the wording in the levy allows for sharing your personal CDs as well) - so I\'m sure someone will take them to court. Cumon, guys, you can\'t have it both ways, shut down the piracy AND collect levys from every Canadian.
They also are trying to push through a $10 per user per month ISP fee for online piracy - which would in effect make piracy even more legal - after all, you would be paying tax whether or not you are a pirate, so I get the feeling a lot of people would start "just to get their money\'s worth".