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Originally posted by Cyrus At what time did I exactly say I thought you were responsible for the clip? I merley was stating the fact that psx2central.com was allowing a link to copyrighted materials on it boards. Worse yet old out of date booring as hell copyrighted materials wich in my opinion was a much worse offense. If the feds were gonna come after you it would for the amount of copyrighted Gay porn on your CPU not this I assure you.....
Originally posted by GmanJoe Wrapping gifts. Anyway, I recommend you call RIAA and get them to arrest me for me posting a link to a video clip. I\'m sure they\'ll appreciate it and maybe give you a cookie.
Originally posted by Cyrus awww damn boy how disappointing...... I was really hoping for something a little more spectacular. Have a Merry Christmas GMAN and everyone else I wont be back till monday HOORAH.
Originally posted by Capcom GMAN I do not post often on this board. Yet it is common knowledge to me that you like to dl your share of not so legit things.
Originally posted by Capcom it is not the best time to admit anything of that sort on an online public forum. IMHO