Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
A lot of porn. I spent the day at Capcom\'s house downloadin porn.
God, I want broadband...
I\'ll quit being an athiest if God will give me broadband.
You and your damn porn. I remember when we spotted your porn folder on one of the desktop threads:D. Its ok, we all have them. :shy: And i thought you did have BB. What a pity.
Bladez had a decent list. Stir of Echos is a good movie. As for the games (rich prick), thats about $320 worth of games. And ass for RLH, i always wanted to play it until i heard it sucked the big one. Hit us up with a mini review, that would be great[Ben Stein] Thaaaanks[/Ben Stein].
Ok, enough rubbing of the elbows.
Heres what ive gotten this far:
311 - Evolver
Point and Speak (speech 2 text program)
Matrix comic collection (one book, different people)
about $300
BMW Z4 model
a yo yo and some silly putty (lol my mom was having flashbacks)
Light Gun for PS2
lots of clothes
Kill Bill soundtrack
Cowboy BeBop: Knocking on Heavens Door DVD
A new wallet
Ghost in the shell banner
$100 worth of discounts to Suncoast
Subscription to Game Informer and a 10% discount card for used games
Pilotwings for 64
New toothbrush
Danger Mouse Vol2 on VHS
Im sure theres more but there are still more coming in. My little sister got a new drum set (B****). Eh. It has been a merry chistmas. After the hundreds of dollars if spent on other people I feel purty saticefied. Not a bad present in the lot.