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Originally posted by Spudz Like an Xbox is gonna make him feel better. Give the kid a hooker, booze, and a cure and then tell me what he prefers.
Pdx.Sierra Posted: Jan 5 2004, 12:44 PM For 10 days, his charisma filled the world and temporarily united all people from all nations. Not the use of any word will ever describe the immensity of his bravery. Known only as fruit_loops, the unknown soldier of the internet yet in real life he existed, he is our new icon of hope. With these words, I regret to inform you that we lost our little fighter at 1117H (Pacific Time) today, the 5th of January 2004. His recovery was cut short by the worst seizure he ever had that lasted more than 40 minutes despite emergency medical interventions. He is now resting in peace and rest assured, he will struggle no more from pain.Please accept our gratitude for all your time, your love and your prayers. xtremepaintballcanada.com will always be proud to have been selected by an unknown force to beam to the world the last 10-days of the life of our little fighter or our little man or our wee man as we all have been endeared to the existence of such terms.Let’s rally the world again one more time and give the family words of encouragement and support. Please go back to where you chanced on the story of our little fighter and post a statement of gratitude not only from us but make it from the world.If he touched your lives, please submit your post-scripts. In lieu of cards, flowers, gifts or donations to the family, please redirect them to a cancer research organization of your choice.Do remember the countless fruit_loops we have around the world. Respect their pain and sufferings, please.To the various men and women and institutions who fought fruit_loops’ battle alongside with him, a thank you is all we can afford. Let’s keep God in our hearts.
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD That\'s indeed a sad thing... RIPps.. i\'m having surgery this month.. Someone wanna send me a xbox, i could die you know. :/
Originally posted by GmanJoe Surgery for what? :eek: