A funny(?) thing I noticed while surfing a other forum yesterday, was the big amount of people having problems with their Xboxes.. They called it the "dirty disc syndrome" .. Another thing that seems quite common with Xboxes is the harddrive failing, or problems with the A/V port..
The only problem I\'ve heard people having with the GameCube is that the Open Lid button often gets stuck.. But that’s about it.
GameCube is built very well... I\'ve never had any problem with mine. My PS2 also feels quite solid, and its getting pretty old now (pushing 3 years?), still not a single Disk Read Error problem, I hope it stays that way.
About the "huge" amount of people saying PS2 is faulty, remember that PS2 is owned by 10x the people compared to GC/XB, and that people usually don’t make threads saying "My PS2 is working fine, just wanted to let you know".. So the problem probably seems bigger than it actually is.