« on: January 05, 2004, 05:59:13 AM »
Let\'s discuss movies that make you think,or that change your behaviour in any way, in this thread.
A few of mine:
- Fight Club(It actually taught me to be less materialistic)
- Amelie
- Adaptation(I saw it again recently and it rocks).I even have a wallpaper depicting Meryl Streep in the woods(one of the scenes from Adaptation).OHHH YEAHHH!! :fro:
I\'ve been meaning to see Lost in Translation featuring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.It is supposed to be very good.Too bad it\'s not released in Holland yet.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2004, 09:29:01 AM by Metal Gear »

I\'m like King Midas in reverse.Everything I touch turns to shit. -Tony Soprano-
Homer: Marge you gotta help me. I have to do one good deed in the next 24 hours to get to heaven.
Marge: Well, you could clean the garage, mow the lawn, paint the house...
Homer: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I\'m just trying to get in, not run for Jesus.