Originally posted by Bozco
I guess I have to make my font size bigger for you to get it.
The sticks for PS2 suck.
I just know that when I\'m playing a FPS I like a keyboard or the S. And the black and white buttons aren\'t hard to use on it, as long as you aren\'t a chimp.
They do not.You are just more used to the S-controller.As for the Keyboard hands down its better than any controller for FPS
Originally posted by Phil
I just wanted to call to people\'s attention that you just pointed out flaws for almost every FPS that\'s considered good on the PS2 outside of TS2. I\'m glad that you are able to discredit good games to try, keyword TRY to make a point.
find me a perfect game.
Anyways you dint get my point.The controls dont feel right on games with frame rate issues.Imagine Time Splitters 2 running at an unsteady 30fps.
TimeSplitters1 isnt available on XBOX so you cant judge which console\'s controller feels better.
As for Red Faction these games have frame rate issues and I explained above what I ment with framerate issues.
Abd lasly MOH and 007 are running at smoother framerates on XBOX so the feel of the games\' controls is better irregardless which controller is better.