For the record, that really is Didier\'s girlfriend (that he hasn\'t sexed yet...) and the picture was taken by me. It is a tradition started by us (Me and Di) last year to go to his gf\'s and our home team\'s soccer games to check out the ladies (well me anyway).
Swifdi also had his own tradition that he started last year and continued it this year:
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: dude... funny thing happened
TheStaplerRCU: WHAT?!
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: you know how last year i gave a note to jay
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: by giving it to a girl on EHS and then she gives it to jay?
TheStaplerRCU: yep
TheStaplerRCU: ....
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: oh ok
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: sorry
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: so i wanted to continue the tradition, right?
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: so i write the note up in Yearbook, and I\'m in a hurry cuz the bell is going to ring in like a matter of seconds.
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: this one girl, Crystal, is in my yearbook class, and is on JV Soccer.
TheStaplerRCU: ....
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: I go up to her and tell her," hey can you do me a favor? Can you give this to one of the varsity players? They\'ll know what to do with"
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: she says, "sure" and i go home
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: then me and you watch
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: and then after the game i go up to jay and ask her if she got my message
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: she says, "no"
TheStaplerRCU: lol
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: so i start thinking...
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: and then i feel like dying right then and there
TheStaplerRCU: LOL!
TheStaplerRCU: DI *hearts* ERICA
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: the front said
To: #7
From: Didi
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: Even worse... NOT ONCE DO I STATE JODALYN\'S NAME IN THE LETTER.. So when Erica reads it, she will figure it was for her
TheStaplerRCU: seriously, dude, im dying over here
TheStaplerRCU: i need some tissue
TheStaplerRCU: *wipes eyes*
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: yeah i called mike to see if he had erica\'s number
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: but he didn\'t
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: so now erica thinks i have this huge crush on her
TheStaplerRCU: rofl
TheStaplerRCU: erica\'s boyfriend might kill you
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: the letter was like:
Hey babe!
Just like last year huh? Good luck today in your game, I know you\'ll play well. You better score at least five goals for me ok? I love you a lot and I can\'t wait to see you after the game.
Love, Didi
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: something to that effect
TheStaplerRCU: *falls out of chair*
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: nah, he won\'t, this is a HUGE freaking misunderstanding
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: i\'m such a moron
TheStaplerRCU: you are
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: jay wasn\'t too pissed, she thought it was funny
TheStaplerRCU: you already told her?
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: what i really hope is the girl actually never gave her the letter
TheStaplerRCU: so you can go with erica, and ill take jay then?
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: but she had to have... she couldn\'t have forgot, i reminded her like 3 tiems
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: shutup you!
TheStaplerRCU: ;-)
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: i have to see what happened on monday
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: if erica did get the letter i\'ll just tell her what happened
TheStaplerRCU: mayber erica will brush it off
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: maybe she gets notes like those all the time
FeAr ThE ReDhEaD: i called mike, he was laughing a lot too
The homies: