yeah, most big budget movies are 2.35:1 aspect which i hate. like X-Men 2. X-Men 2 was fim in 5:3 asect ratio (or 1.5:1). Then it could either be cropped in:
1.78:1 (16 x 9)
but it was cropped into 2:35:1, too wide for 16 x 9 tv. if you watch DVD disc 2 of X-Men 2 and see the trailers, you notice it was cropped into 1.85:1. To easily tell, look at the Washington Logo with White oval around it on the beginning of the movie. The 2.35:1 ratio, you see the oval with top and bottom cropped off while the 1.85:1 you see the entire logo.
so to me, i prefer this two aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16 x 9) or 1.85:1 which fill my tv 16 x 9 screen except 1.85:1 which you see a small 2 - 3 % black bars at top and bottom but not noticeable if you have your tv overscan at 3%.
1.78:1 (16 x 9)
watching 2.35:1 on 16 x 9 tv is like watching 4 x 3 on 16 x 9 tv. You lose about the 33% of the screen which filled with black bars. Unlike 4 x 3 on 16 x 9 where you have 33% black bars on the side, you have 33% black bars on top and bottom.
So, maybe that\'s why Finding Nemo maybe a cool move to make the screen aspect ratio exactly 16 x 9 (1.78:1). Hey, its CG, it can be easily done. So are 35mm film it can be cropped into 1.78:1, but those directors doesn\'t want to, which suck.
Bottom line is, if movies film in 16 x 9 ratio, i would go all the way supporting widescreen. or at least in 1.85:1 aspect ratio. I don\'t like 2:35:1 very much, too wide and not necessary, at least to me. I find 1.78:1 perfect enough for widescreen and I think 4 x 3 is too narrow.
I own Sony 34" Tv and I love it.