He\'s doing OK now, to answer some of the questions and commenst here.
He wasn\'t born diabetic, was diagnosed about 3 years ago.
No idea what brought this on, this according to the docs is very unusual, he didn\'t just get low he got cramps and spasms and whatever it\'s called, so bad that he dislocated his shoulder, literally tore it out of it\'s socket, managed to crack a bone while he was at it.
Happened in the middle of the night, just sleeping then all the sudden bam he starts shaking and whatnot, his wife understandably freaked.
He can\'t drive or anything now, he has to take some catscans and whatnot to make sure he\'s ok, he\'s mostly pissed because he\'s at home all the time which is good but his left arm is all bandiged together so he can\'t play his playstation, his only friend right now is the dvd player.