Originally posted by Black Samurai
Do any of you really think that any of the following activities are actual sports? I am of the camp that believes they are NOT.
Any Racing Activity
Most(not all) Extreme Sports
Poker(Listed because they show it on ESPN all the time)
I can\'t see how someone can argue that these are sports and the people who participate are athletes.
Golf - As Winston Churchill put it, "one way to ruin a perfecly good walk"
Nascar - It\'s boring but there is an art to slipstreaming and it fairly tactical.
Bowling - No, it\'s a game to play when you can\'t get a pool table.
Poker - No, sitting at a table gambling everything including your shirt on getting a Queen is just stupid.
Pool - Yes, it differs from Bowling in that there are a lot more possibilities on how things can go, with bowling you either knock them all down or have a couple left, how crap and boring is that?!