This comes from "I\'m a freaking Star Wars" guess there may be more SW movies for Big Log\'s kids to rag on.
EP3: Mahyew Also Signed for Sequel Trilogy?
Wed, Jan 14, 04 05:10:30 PM EST
Rob tells us that the December 2003 issue of the British movie mag HOTDOG has just hit the stands here in the U.S. and found several cool Star Wars related things. In particular, on page 12, here\'s this possibly amazing passage:
"No wonder Peter "Chewbacca" Mayhew is smiling. Not only has he been rescued from obscurity and given the chance to reprise his role as our Wookiee comrade for Episode III, but his contract also stipulates that he\'d be required to appear in Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
Yes folks, seems there are actual whispers at Lucasfilm that the \'sequel\' trilogy might be in the works..."
In addition, there\'s a cool spoiler page (though nothing new for regulars) with a great caricature of Hayden as Anakin/Vader. The cover "story" is a list of the "50 Coolest Movie Characters Ever". #22 is Boba Fett, #13 is Indiana Jones, and #3 is Darth Vader! There\'s also a "Brief History of Time" according to the movies. It begins with "A Long Time Ago".
Please. Be. True. Of course, remember that the official word from Lucasfilm has been and is currently "no." We\'ll email them for a comment on the story and post any updates here.