Originally posted by SwifDi
LIC? Is that you?
Actually I find your philosophy sad, thats such an old-fashioned and medieval way to look at women. If you look at it from that perspective you must attract some really lousy girls.
It actually is very urban. Back in the day. People use to get married at 13. My grt grandmother was married at 13. I got cousins who married str8 out of highschool.
All females are lousy. And i only dine with females who are fine. I just don\'t see how anyone could waste all there time on one. And if you do she must be super fine and have money to match. And then that plays out and you wanna move on to the next.
I mean I feel sorry for Seeds. Putting all that time and energy into one female thats sad. Unless a chick is a sister or cousin of mine don\'t expect anything from me.
Swift I understand your caught up in something you don\'t understand once you grow up. You will come to understand that is really no such thing called love. And there is noway possible that a man can love one and only one women. Marriage is just a contract for people who have given up on life.