Somebody hold me and give me some of your body heat! Come on! Where\'s the love?

I tested just to see how cold it was. I tried to pee and my dingdong was GONE! By the time I found it, my fingers froze and I couldn\'t get my fingers to close the I had to walk from the tree to my car with my zipper open. And then I realized that I really HAD to pee! So I go back to the tree and try to do my best to get Corporal Dingdong out! Finally I got to pee and while I peed, it caused so much steam that another motorist stopped to see if I was trying to set the tree on fire! pants got wet coz I peed partially in my pants little Private Dingdong (demoted to private coz he peed on me) shrank from the cold like turtle trying to hide.
That\'s my Friday night story. Oy it was cold! :eek: