Or, you can write her a sweet poem about her *blossoms*
Or take her to a casino, get her drunk and do her.
But in reality, LIC is right. Guys overthink shit. For my one year I had reservations at this nice restaurant she loves (but she didn\'t know that I knew) It was all planned and crap. Her ****ING RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE LICKING dad decided to be a constipated butt hole and not let her go. (probably b/c he thought I was gonna try to do her) So we ended up going to Olive Garden with her best friend and her boyfriend. Went over to her friend\'s house and watched a movie. It all turned out great, plus I saved 100 smacks which I used to buy her X-mas present. So don\'t overthink it just do whatever you have done before and you know she likes(Take her to the place you went for your first date, rent the first movie you all saw together, take her somewhere and wear the same clothes you wore the day you asked her out), it\'s your one year, so even if you go fishing it will be special...wow that was corny.