damn if you lived in the nj-ny area i\'d tell you to take her on a boat cruise around the city or to the top of the empire state bldg. i did that with my ex- & instant panty saturation;). i saw your pic and it\'s seems your\'re a little 90210ish any way you still seem like a cool cat so i say since you\'re in vegas rent a limo have some drinks in there moet, or whatever & chill around town.
if that\'s expensive which it might be since you\'re 17, do like what my man did in jason\'s lyric get some chinese food & candelight & just chill. i know some of the crazy members in here are telling you to go for it, but sometimes when you show you\'re not sweating it (tha poononie;)) they will give it right up. heh you\'re starting out just like me & my highschool sweetheart,..hopefully you guys will stand the test of time.
ps: i seen a pic of your shorty awhile back..she\'s a cutie hold on to her, ..i also have to commend you for holding out as i understand you haven\'t slept with her yet..hmm & being 17 i would\'ve exploded by now..ah i guess that\'s how the right hand got you through those stressful nights;) ..damn i ranted enough good luck bro!