Hello again. Still in pain, will be a few days before I’ll be able to walk upright. Toilet trips are a real f@#ken joy. I can barely sleep, only can lay on my back and I’m hating that. They told me it\'ll be 9 days before i can walk upright with little to no pain. I\'m close to 3 days now and its getting easier slowly. My back hurts like hell, the hospital beds are f@#ked. They’re so bad, I started to slide down the f@#ken thing everytime it was upright. They were to small for me too, which didn’t help. if u guys wanna see a pic of the cut i could take a pic of it.. Although it\'s not the most pleasant looking thing.
Although i\'m hating the pain, i\'m glad i got this done. In the long run it\'ll be better for me.