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Author Topic: Tony Balir Vindicated (Hutton)  (Read 525 times)

Offline ooseven
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Tony Balir Vindicated (Hutton)
« on: January 28, 2004, 08:21:41 AM »

Lord Hutton has criticised the BBC as he cleared the government of embellishing its Iraq weapons dossier in his long-awaited report on the death of Dr David Kelly.
The claim in BBC reports that the government "sexed up" its dossier on Iraq\'s weapons was "unfounded", he said.
The retired law lord highlighted "defective" BBC editorial processes over defence correspondent Andrew Gilligan\'s broadcasts of the claims on the Today programme.
Lord Hutton also said he was satisfied Dr Kelly had killed himself after being named as the suspected source of the BBC\'s controversial weapons dossier story.
Prime Minister Tony Blair said the report showed "the allegation that I or anybody else lied to the House or deliberately misled the country by falsifying intelligence of weapons of mass destruction is itself the real lie".
"I simply ask that those that have made it and repeated it over all these months now withdraw it fully, openly and clearly," he said.
Former Downing Street media chief Alastair Campbell hoped the report would produce a more honest media culture: "If the government had faced the level of criticisms which today Lord Hutton\'s report has directed at the BBC, there would have been resignations by now, several resignations at several levels."


/me throws UP.

What a Shame ... Today Could of been so special if Hutton Blamed Number Ten...

We Could of had Tony Blair Resigning.
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Green Meanie
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Tony Balir Vindicated (Hutton)
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 06:57:17 AM »
A Total Farce.


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