First of all, if Saddam was smart, simply making the US invade Iraq if it had no WMD is stupid. After all, what good is it to simply embarrass the US, when you can do just that, AND stay in power? Now Saddam, his sons are dead, he no longer lives in a palace, heck, he was litterally found in a rat hole, all because he wanted to embarrass the US by not coming forward with WMD? Idiotl.
Second, we went to the UN for help yes. We ALSO went to the UN to actually do something about it immediately. But noooooooooo. They waited litterally months when we first went to them to do the inspections. Also, France and Russia "coincidently" had contracts in Iraq (which means, if Saddam had WMD, they still wanted Saddam there if purely for economic reasons). Illegal under the UN sanctions and also illegal under the UN oil for food programs. Funny how no one mention this.