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Author Topic: Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.  (Read 1152 times)

Offline ooseven
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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« on: January 30, 2004, 01:03:11 AM »
:laughing: ... God Bless you Condoleezza Rice


US admits Iraq intelligence flaws

The White House has acknowledged for the first time that its intelligence reports on Iraq might have been wrong.
Until recently, US President George W Bush had insisted that weapons of mass destruction would be discovered.
But now his National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, has given a round of interviews in which she acknowledges possible flaws in pre-war intelligence[/i].

The central argument used by the United States for invading Iraq was to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.
But more than nine months after Baghdad fell to US forces, no such weapons have been found.
Ms Rice\'s comments follow calls from the former senior US weapons inspector, David Kay, for an independent inquiry. Mr Kay - who resigned last week - has said that in his view there were no significant stockpiles in Iraq before the war.

The BBC\'s Justin Webb in Washington says this a painful process for the White House, but in the light of Mr Kay\'s testimony it is proving impossible for administration officials to stick convincingly to the line that banned weapons will still be found in Iraq.

"I think that what we have is evidence that there are differences between what we knew going in and what we found on the ground," Ms Rice told CBS television.
But she brushed aside calls for an independent inquiry into the intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq last March.

Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, she said, was a dangerous man in a dangerous part of the world and it had been time to do something about the threat he posed.
"When you are dealing with secretive regimes that want to deceive, you\'re never going to be able to be positive," Ms Rice told NBC.


[warmonger mode]
God Damn it ...Condoleezza Rice you shouldn\'t speak out against the government in time like this... if your not with us then put up or shut up... People like you should have their mouths sown-up.

You Almost sound like one of them...God damn French cheese eating surrender monkey

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[/warmonger mode]
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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 12:58:58 PM »
bush is such a jerk. just read in yahoo news that he wants to know all the facts about the intelligence they received, but he won\'t let their be an INDEPENDENT investigation into the whole ordeal..no way just let MY administration handle it. Meanwhile the group that\'s searching for wmd in iraq now apparently has no deadline for the search. interesting being that the group that was there before the war( u.n. inspectors) had deadlines all over the place...bush was like you better find wmd\'s before this date or we will bomb the hell outta you too..pathetic.
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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2004, 06:27:20 PM »
There\'s a difference between questioning authority and sedition.

Sorry to say, unlike you two, a lot of people crossed that line of sedition during the beginning of the war. Those are the people that should have their mouths sewn, not regular folks just wondering "why?".
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« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2004, 08:19:25 PM »
And what\'s so bad about that?

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Offline Halberto
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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2004, 09:02:08 PM »
ooseven can\'t go one week without trying to cut down Bush or Blair

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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2004, 10:41:02 PM »
So The Bush Administration is admitting he is wrong about WMD?

Hmmm.... Boy those French sure were stupid :rolleyes:

They were the ****ing smart ones. Why waste your money when American can do it for free?
Think for yourself. Question authority.

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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2004, 11:17:21 PM »
France was only in it for themselves. They could careless whether or not dictator Saddam had WMD. They only cared about the ILLEGAL oil contracts that they had with Saddam.

And if there is any idiot here, it is Saddam. For one thing, IF Saddam had no WMD, he should\'ve shown the info upfront. EMBARRESS the US while at the same time, STILL in power. Yet...he didn\'t do that. So, either he was the biggest idiot to walk the earth, or, he had WMD. After all, he would still be sitting in his palaces with his sons, torturing his own people if he did that.
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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2004, 12:38:08 AM »
^^^^Isn\'t it more embarassing for the Bush Administration to say there are WMD, invade to get them and not find them? Especially after going in without much of the world\'s support.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2004, 06:03:31 AM »
Originally posted by Black Samurai
^^^^Isn\'t it more embarassing for the Bush Administration to say there are WMD, invade to get them and not find them? Especially after going in without much of the world\'s support.

exactly! everybody tends to forget how bush said with urgency how iraq was an immediate threat, when they weren\'t, also up to the point of the war most americans did not support it. Of course over time the amer. public eventually support it, saying "yeah saddam was a bad man a very bad man" qoute from one of the old twilight zone flicks ;).

what was wrong with letting the first round of inspectors finish the job? for one we had the support of the world & two no amer lives lost. Damn the gov\'t got those soldiers brainwashed even, talkin bout "well either way saddam was just bad to the people so he had to be dealt with" sad really.

also does anybody remember how saddam actually called bush out before the war? he stated that he & bush have a LIVE debate on television about the weapons, of course mr. "yee haw" denied. wasn\'t too long ago when we were supplying those  cats with wmd\'s to fight against iran. and let\'s not forget about n.korea right? they blantantly stated they had wmd\'s & openly threatened the u.s...now me & giga already settled this agrument saying  that we have to be careful since they already have wmds & whatnot. this is getting pretty long, all i\'m saying is some of you cats need to stop being like sheep.

also i\'m not sure but when bush stated we would go it alone..i\'m sure at one point he called upon france china & germany to help with the war,. this was when things were starting to get ugly..he even went back to the u.n. for help (military help) how did he expect those countries to help him when he told them f**K you? :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 06:24:34 AM by clips »
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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2004, 07:38:42 AM »
I don\'t know if you remember this, but uh.. Saddam once intended to assassinate Bush Senior.

You can\'t have a #$%&ing debate with Saddam, smart guy. This man has killed thousands of his own people.
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« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2004, 08:45:48 AM »
Originally posted by Blade
I don\'t know if you remember this, but uh.. Saddam once intended to assassinate Bush Senior.

You can\'t have a #$%&ing debate with Saddam, smart guy. This man has killed thousands of his own people.

i think that assassination thing was during the first gulf war. which i feel saddam was wrong all around,no doubt. As far as debating with saddam i say maybe to some degree..but that still doesn\'t dismiss the fact that bush told saddam in order to avoid war you must give up your wmd\'s and let inspectors in,..when saddam did that and no wmds were being found bush got irritated. i keep sayin this.. we went to war cause bush said they had wmds, not to liberate iraq.bush  stated they seen the weapons with OUR spy satellites from space, not all this other intelligence that states all the other countries had the same info as the u.s. did!
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Offline Halberto
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« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2004, 01:25:07 PM »
since when did we supply cats with WMD\'s? I bet the dogs got pretty angry at that one

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« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2004, 02:31:11 PM »
First of all, if Saddam was smart, simply making the US invade Iraq if it had no WMD is stupid. After all, what good is it to simply embarrass the US, when you can do just that, AND stay in power? Now Saddam, his sons are dead, he no longer lives in a palace, heck, he was litterally found in a rat hole, all because he wanted to embarrass the US by not coming forward with WMD? Idiotl.

Second, we went to the UN for help yes. We ALSO went to the UN to actually do something about it immediately. But noooooooooo. They waited litterally months when we first went to them to do the inspections. Also, France and Russia "coincidently" had contracts in Iraq (which means, if Saddam had WMD, they still wanted Saddam there if purely for economic reasons). Illegal under the UN sanctions and also illegal under the UN oil for food programs. Funny how no one mention this.
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« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2004, 02:50:12 PM »
Originally posted by Simchoy
First of all, if Saddam was smart, simply making the US invade Iraq if it had no WMD is stupid. After all, what good is it to simply embarrass the US, when you can do just that, AND stay in power? Now Saddam, his sons are dead, he no longer lives in a palace, heck, he was litterally found in a rat hole, all because he wanted to embarrass the US by not coming forward with WMD? Idiotl.

Second, we went to the UN for help yes. We ALSO went to the UN to actually do something about it immediately. But noooooooooo. They waited litterally months when we first went to them to do the inspections. Also, France and Russia "coincidently" had contracts in Iraq (which means, if Saddam had WMD, they still wanted Saddam there if purely for economic reasons). Illegal under the UN sanctions and also illegal under the UN oil for food programs. Funny how no one mention this.

i\'m not gonna touch the contract situation..as i have no knowlegde of when those contracts were put in place..before gulf war,..after etc. but you cannot deny the fact that bush was the only one that gave the inspectors a deadline. even when asked for more time bush denied it. he was going to war whether we wanted it or not. he was sending troops & ships into the region months before the inspections. you do realize it costs billions just to send the military to set up.

so let me ask you this..if the inspectors actually came back & stated well he has no wmds do you think bush would have backed down? you and i both know the answer to that one.
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Sorry ... what was that ? ... could you say that again.
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2004, 03:20:20 PM »
Bush said, if I remember correctly, during the State of the Union that we should not wait until Iraq becomes an imminent threat.

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