Originally posted by Bozco
So we should judge people by one post at a time? No, it\'s all about how you present yourself in a whole. If you weren\'t anti-america before this wouldn\'t be an issue now.
Its not my fault if some of you people seem to misunderstand my intentions.
If one year ago I was posting against the US government NOT the casual american citizen its a different matter.
Even citizens of the same country might disagree against their own government and talk against it.Will this make them anti-(add their country)?Actually you people got offended for nothing (and "attacked" me by trying to trash Greece or Cyprus and that I was brainwashed) when I posted things about the government and its intentions.And I even felt sorry for those soldiers who have been told they would be sent to war for different reasons than the true ones and were sent and kgot killed there.WOW that makes me anti-american.RRRIGHT!
Oh and I was very happy when terrorists attacked a campus in Rhyiadh and set an explosion because Americans lived there...NOT. (I recall mentioning this was going to happen becuase of the US governments foreign policy that porvokes islam fanatics puting in danger Americans and other foreigners in these countries)
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Precisely. It\'s about how someone presents themselves as a whole and we all know how he comes on with his anti-American bashing, without ever actually knowing any American\'s or expiercing the so-called American \'lifestyle\'. I don\'t agree with the American goverment, but I have a reason to. I\'m an American. I have experience with the American goverment, unlike someone who lives in Cyrpus and knows nothing about America.
Yawn.I was only kidding (repeated for the thousand time)
Get a clue and don\'t ever refer to me as patrotic again, because I\'m not. I am just tired of reading your posts and you lumping all American\'s into the \'war hungry\' group. We are not all part of that. It\'s getting old
Well you got offended for nothing