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Author Topic: Batman 5  (Read 1288 times)

Offline nO-One

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Batman 5
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2004, 01:40:03 PM »
Apparently some parts of the movie are being shot here in Iceland.

But I\'ve pretty much lost faith in the Batman franchise, I just hope Nolan can save it.

Marvel is doing great with their comics, I think DC should atleast make a nice attempt at a comics movie starting with the Green Lantern.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Batman 5
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2004, 01:50:05 PM »
Originally posted by nO-One
Apparently some parts of the movie are being shot here in Iceland.

But I\'ve pretty much lost faith in the Batman franchise, I just hope Nolan can save it.

Marvel is doing great with their comics, I think DC should atleast make a nice attempt at a comics movie starting with the Green Lantern.

I would not say that Marvel is doing great with their films... At least in my opinion.

A retrospective look at Marvel films..

  • The Punisher - The one starring Dolph Lunbergh or however you spell it. It had nothing to do with the comic, other than the fact he wore black and killed people.
  • Captain America  - Terrible. Nothing else.
  • Blade - Marvel\'s first real success and oddly enough, most people did not realize it was a Marvel franchise. Great script by Goyer, who also done the Batman: Indimation script.
  • Blade 2 - Not near as good as the first, but still a solid entry.
  • X-Men -  Boring. Un-eventful. The list can go on and on. I see what Singer was trying to do, but the over the top plot was simply to much.
  • X-2  - Great film. More action. Better acting. Less over the top plot. I was extremely impressed with it.
  • Daredevil - The \'wanna-be\' Batman film. I\'m sorry, but I thought it sucked. The only part I enjoyed was the opening where he is in the bar f**kin\' people up. Collin Farrel is no Bullseye, his over the top performance would of been better on the classic Batman TV series and don\'t get me started on the downright terrible CG battle in the church.
  • Spiderman  - Saw it. Hated it. Bad casting, bad outfits (POWER RANGERS, HELLO?) and terrible changes made script wise.
  • The Hulk - I actually didn\'t mind this one. Yes, Ang Lee\'s split frames got old and yes the Hulk dogs was abit lame, but overall, it had more substance the rest of the Marvel films. It wasn\'t great, but it certainly was better than Xmen or Spiderman.
  • Fantastic Four - Sucked so bad you can\'t buy a legit copy.

Still, I have to agree, DC needs to jump in and make some comebacks. As of right now, they have \'Superman\', \'Supergirl\', \'Wonderwoman\' all green-lit but no serious movements on casting or script wise. The only two DC films actually filming are \'Batman\' and \'Catwoman\', the latter of which looks to be downright terrible. They need to realize they have more than two franchises and move on. You could easily make a good film based off The Flash or most likely Green Lantern.

And yes, it is being shot in Iceland.

Offline kopking
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Batman 5
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2004, 01:53:08 PM »
didnt they make a tv series of the flash???? i used to like that
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Batman 5
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2004, 01:59:52 PM »
Originally posted by kopking
didnt they make a tv series of the flash???? i used to like that

Short lived, but yes there was a TV series based off \'The Flash\'. Also, just a bit of trivia, Mark Hamill played the part of The Prankster and went on to voice The Joker in the Batman series. He done such an amazing job with the Joker voice over, that in the Pilot for the Batman spin-off, \'Birds of Prey\' when the Joker is on screen, Mark Hamill provides a voice over for the actual actor of The Joker.

Also he is the voice of Wolverine in the videogame \'Wolverine\'s Revenge\'.

Yes, Mark is a true superhero.

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Batman 5
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2004, 02:07:19 PM »
cool little facts. yeah the flash was good from what i can remember.

fantastic four, i didnt know they made a film about it, tell me more about how poor it was, have u seen it???
The drunken, Liverpool supporting, bad spelling, Simpson loving, known as the drunkest of the spaminators, from England
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Batman 5
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2004, 02:26:33 PM »
Originally posted by kopking
cool little facts. yeah the flash was good from what i can remember.

fantastic four, i didnt know they made a film about it, tell me more about how poor it was, have u seen it???

I own a copy. The source was leaked and now there are zillion of bootlegs.

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Batman 5
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2004, 02:26:43 PM »
LIC I agree with everything you\'ve said except maybe the skin color issue.  It\'s a 50/50 toss-up for me.  If they can fit the role and be believable I say more power to them.

I thought Mike Duncan made a damn good Kingpin, though I hated everything else about the flick.

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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Batman 5
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2004, 02:31:32 PM »
Originally posted by THX
LIC I agree with everything you\'ve said except maybe the skin color issue.  It\'s a 50/50 toss-up for me.  If they can fit the role and be believable I say more power to them.

I thought Mike Duncan made a damn good Kingpin, though I hated everything else about the flick.

For me, it doesn\'t matter. I just don\'t want to see Freeman in yet another beat-down cop role.  The general public though, who still knows Batman, think of Gordon as white.

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Batman 5
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2004, 04:04:23 PM »
I\'m not at home right now, so I\'ll reply to everything later.  Just a neat tidbit I heard last evening -- Pixar, now free from Disney\'s tyrannical reign, is free to look for other films to produce and at this point, the latest rumor suggests they\'ll be teaming up with Marvel comics to do some super hero films.

Discuss!  Which hero film could they do that would be totaly  awesome?  I think I could write an awesome Captain America film, but I don\'t think it should be totaly animated by Pixar and should instead stick with live action.  On the other hand, I would enjoy seeing a total Avengers film made by Pixar.  That would be awesome.
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Batman 5
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2004, 04:21:13 PM »
Here are the superhero films I would like to see:

Fantastic Four  - My favorite comic stories of all time.  SO much good stuff to draw on from this series.  Someone needs to make a GOOD film of this some day.  Dr. Doom could be the scariest movie villian of all time if done right.  Aim for making Darth Vader look like a muppet, and they would be heading in the right direction.

Green Lantern - One of the few DC titles I actually liked.  I was normally a Marvel whore growing up.  This could be produced in a very weird, stylized, and almost mystical / supernatural way.  If they try to do it as a simple "dude with green ring fights bad guys" story just like every other superhero story, it will be BORING.  The strength of the Green Lantern series was in the stories that took place away from Earth.

Silver Surfer - I have no idea how they could or would produce a movie about an all silver guy, but there\'s no doubt that the public is very familiar with this character.  I just don\'t know how they could cast it, and how the audience would even recognize the actor.  UNLESS - it was done ALL CG????  Maybe this is a good one for Pixar.

Doctor Strange - I even loved the crappy TV movie that was released back in the 70s.  Lots of cool trippy metaphysical themes that can be mined from this one.  Few laymen know the character, but it would be cool for those who know.
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Batman 5
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2004, 04:26:58 PM »
I don\'t think pixar should change their ways. They do good with Kids/Adult movies. I\'ve loved everysingle one of their films and turning noir isn\'t going to help.

The Punisher doesn\'t look that bad. I never read the comics though so I don\'t know the back ground. I can\'t judge until I\'ve seen it.

Captain America-The\'re making a movie about him. If they are then I can\'t judge until I\'ve seen it.

Spider-man- that movie was cool, that short guy played  a good spider man, can\'t wait for the second one.


The Hulk-Alright.

X-men-A nice start for a good movie series

X2- Great movie

Blade- Love it.

BATMAN- Now that movie I loved, and so the rest of them. Except Mr. Freeze, the franchise isn\'t terribly lost, that last movie entry made it seem like hell though.

"Freeze in hell Batman!" ...STUPID
Hopefully Intimidation will be good, Bale looks like he could be a great Batman. He has that Batman look. My favorite Batman Villain is definately The Riddler.


Blade 2-Alright
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2004, 04:30:07 PM »
I wouldn\'t mind see\'ing Pixar\'s CGI on something like Silver Surfer or The Avengers.

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Batman 5
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2004, 10:33:45 PM »
Isn\'t pixar coming out with a new movie?
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2004, 11:05:15 PM »

\'The Incredibles\' and \'Cars\' both being released by Disney.

Offline nO-One

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« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2004, 03:35:21 AM »
Well Marvel is planning on doing both Iron Man and the Silver Surfer both comics I\'d love to see on the big screen.

It would be nice to see Pixar take either one of those on.
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