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Author Topic: This boy decided not to contribute to the gene pool.  (Read 978 times)

Offline GmanJoe

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This boy decided not to contribute to the gene pool.
« on: February 04, 2004, 06:59:29 PM »
Published February 2001


So three years ago....but it still shocks me what kids will do to get "respect".
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

Offline videoholic

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« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 07:01:48 PM »

Could be spudz.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"

Offline Ashford
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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 07:12:37 PM »
The world is less stupid with him gone...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Halberto
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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 07:33:31 PM »
He mixed loads of pills with 151 proof rum, what a moron.

Offline Paul2

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« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2004, 07:43:25 PM »
that is sad.  Suffer from depression and took drugs...probably he is in the mood of not feeling he like to live, so he didn\'t care if he took that many "mixed pills."

If only his parents know the symptoms and try to help...

Offline Halberto
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« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2004, 07:47:42 PM »
No he was just trying to be a hardass plain and simple and it ended up killing him.

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« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2004, 07:51:01 PM »
I posted this over a year ago. ;)

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2004, 07:55:18 PM »
Indeed, welcome to 2001.

Still, havin\' read the chat transcript I don\'t think this was a case of a teenager suffering from depression, but more of a teenager trying to show off in a chat room and be cool and guess what? It ended up killing him.

I like this part of the article the most.
The tech whiz\'s computer had shut down and locked itself automatically, so it wasn\'t until more than a week later that the family found out his death had had witnesses.

The kid sets his computer to shut down and have a password and all of a sudden he is proclaimed a "tech whiz"? Give me a break. If anything, this was just used to make me think the kid had some bright future in the computer field.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 08:00:08 PM by Living-In-Clip »

Offline Bozco
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« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2004, 11:25:50 PM »
Seeing a young picture of someone that I know is dead just doesn\'t bode well.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2004, 11:51:43 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
Seeing a young picture of someone that I know is dead just doesn\'t bode well.

Maybe - but it was his choice. It was a stupid choice, but it was his choice, none the less. I will say that the kid obviously had such low self-esteem that he thought he was doin\' something impressive by taking pills on an online chat. At the same time, the inconsiderate part of me, thinks that the world is better off without people so weak willed.

Offline Paul2

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« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2004, 03:49:07 AM »
Sniff.  Cry.  (speechless).

Offline videoholic

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« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2004, 04:27:15 AM »
WHere did you find the transcript?
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"

Offline GmanJoe

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« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2004, 06:51:32 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic
WHere did you find the transcript?

Got it from another message board.

[05:04] heh
[05:04] ripper
[05:04] ripper is a gangster!!!
[05:04] are you alright?
[05:04] ??
[05:05] yea
[05:05] hes on phone
[05:06] well or not
[05:06] hes severely ****ed up I guess but coherent enough to do computer tasks
[05:06] ?
[05:06] he ceases to amaze me
[05:06] he can\'t talk?
[05:07] I don\'t know he just mumbled into phone something like **** that and hung up
[05:07] but he was working on vpn
[05:07] I guess lol
[05:07] he hung up??
[05:07] hes prolly goin to black out again or something
[05:07] uhh
[05:07] if he blacks out
[05:07] he is gone
[05:07] u kno dis?
[05:07] he will cease to breath autonomically
[05:08] what does he list his last name as?
[05:08] uh
[05:08] is ripper dead?
[05:08] yeah
[05:08] just about
[05:09] CALL
[05:09] THE
[05:09] a piece of ****
[05:09] almost
[05:09] ****ING
[05:09] (((
[05:09] COPS
[05:09] COPS are blind followers
[05:09] NO
[05:09] poison control
[05:09] 1-800-222-1222
[05:09] poison control
[05:09] 1-800-222-1222
[05:09] poison control
[05:09] 1-800-222-1222
[05:09] poison control
[05:09] 1-800-222-1222
[05:09] NOW
[05:09] no
[05:09] wait
[05:09] wait is that legal?
[05:09] what did yall put his last name as
[05:09] I will ****ing verify it
[05:10] I got brandon something with a v for his last name
[05:10] maybe its true
[05:10] You guys
[05:10] You guys are right
[05:10] ****
[05:10] what about his phone
[05:10] was it a cell
[05:10] yah
[05:10] He is moving
[05:10] The s.c. LD50 in rats is 44 mg for methadone
[05:10] he has a webcam?
[05:10] can i see?
[05:10] rippercam
[05:10] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html
[05:10] rippercam
[05:10] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html
[05:11] call him
[05:11] call him
[05:11] **** that
[05:11] I am tired and about to get off
[05:11] it\'s the same image every time
[05:12] he left
[05:12] jap
[05:12] vegan
[05:12] he took 360mg of methadone
[05:12] (602)434-1016
[05:12] (602)434-1016v
[05:12] there he is
[05:12] ripper
[05:12] ripper is a gangster!!!
[05:12] whats up
[05:12] Brandon Vitas
[05:12] I think
[05:13] ???
[05:13] yea
[05:13] whitepages
[05:13] well if he really is ****ed then you need to call his mom
[05:13] no poison control
[05:13] is he stuck
[05:13] and if he is bull****ting
[05:13] then it will teach him a lesson and embarrass the **** out of him
[05:13] just wait
[05:13] someone call him
[05:13] I have been trying
[05:13] leave him alone
[05:13] his phone is off
[05:14] hes fine
[05:14] I think it died
[05:14] get on yahoo his name is klonopinz
[05:14] see if he is cool
[05:14] !domain klonopinz.com
[05:14]  klonopinz.com 
[05:14] i heard klonopinz.com was gonna rock
[05:14] !whois klonopinz.com
[05:14] !help
[05:15] domain klonopinz.com
[05:15] !Molokobot
[05:15] Oea - Try these: !google !images !groups !alt.drugs !csp !mapquest !topozone
[05:15] These: !rxlist !imprint !pills !pillcity !pillchem !tabers !websters !thesaurus !news
[05:15] Or These: !erowid !domain !ebay !ebay.nl !imdb !lasturl !forex !fxchart !ascii !weird !slang !spores
[05:15] !domain klonopinz.com
[05:15]  klonopinz.com  Registrant: Get Ripped Productions B Ripper 2000 W. Village Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85023 US (602)555-1234 6604@whois.gkg.net
[05:15]  klonopinz.com  Administrative Contact: Get Ripped Productions B Ripper 2000 W. Village Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85023 US (602)555-1234 6604@whois.gkg.net
[05:15]  klonopinz.com 
[05:15] klonopinz.com is gonna rock
[05:15] Hmm
[05:15] Why is he just sitting there
[05:15] holding his head
[05:15] why not
[05:15] ??
[05:15] dude
[05:16] what r hsi lastr name
[05:16] i think he stopped the camera
[05:16] who the **** has a 1234 number
[05:16] no one
[05:16] no one is worthy
[05:16] thats bull****
[05:16] well I guess he might be alive he might not
[05:16] did you check yahoo?
[05:16] he\'s gone
[05:17] i sent him a message
[05:17] Klonopinz?
[05:17] Klonopinz is such a cool host
[05:17] yea
[05:17] well man I am ****ing tired
[05:17] he\'s not responding
[05:17] its been fun watching this stunt
[05:18] I suggest you call poison control on his ass
[05:18] thats ****ing crazy what he did
[05:18] Uhh
[05:18] Wt
[05:18] f
[05:18] fahrenheit !
[05:18] How?
[05:18] I have no info on him
[05:18] he swore he didn\'t pass out
[05:18] but he did
[05:18] well tell them his moms cell
[05:18] why would he stop the cam?
[05:18] they can some how trace it or something
[05:18] No
[05:18] they can\'t!
[05:18] !!!
[05:18] i need his las name
[05:19] (602)434-1016
[05:19] fine
[05:19] i will call the phone company
[05:19] what provider is it?
[05:19] no dude
[05:19] the hospital is the world of medicine
[05:19] i will tell them i need her info
[05:19] stat
[05:19] stat is NURse GEt Me THat haMMer!
[05:19] ***
[05:19] Willy The Fudgee-o
[05:19] they wont iver it to u
[05:19] poison control
[05:19] 1-800-222-1222
[05:19] Ripper you ****, if you are joking
[05:19] **** you
[05:19] i cam calling poison control
[05:19] good
[05:20] that dumb **** is going to die
[05:20] he just passed out awhile ago
[05:20] he prolly just did it again
[05:20] I hope he gets mad cause this is a stunt worthy of us helping him if it isn\'t
[05:20] 360 mg of methadone
[05:20] will kill him right there
[05:20] either way he is a idiot in my opinion
[05:21] dont
[05:21] do
[05:21] do is such a futuuuristic word
[05:21] it
[05:21] Oea what is poison control saying
[05:21] what if he dies
[05:21] ong
[05:21] they said
[05:21] call 911 right now
[05:21] and he is almost assured dead
[05:21] if we dont\'
[05:21] heh
[05:21] ***
[05:21] Willy The Fudgee-o
[05:21] lol
[05:21] ***
[05:21] Willy The Fudgee-o
[05:21] Where does he live?
[05:21] wjhat city?
[05:21] damn this is insane
[05:21] WHAT CITY?
[05:21] * Pnutbot wants to move to these towns! http://www.lifeisajoke.com/miscellaneous57_html.htm
[05:21] if this is a joke
[05:22] ****ing phoenix i am pretty sure
[05:22] i swear
[05:22] okay
[05:22] might not want to do that
[05:22] but then again I don\'t know
[05:22] he might just be ****ed up and not have stuff straight
[05:22] you could really ****ing get him arrested
[05:22] damn this is hard call
[05:22] yall make it
[05:22] good night
[05:22] * Smoke2k has quit IRC (Leaving: )
[05:23] i am on line with 911
[05:23] is this the right choice?
[05:23] NO
[05:23] ??
[05:23] mayb
[05:23] probably is
[05:23] just tell him for help
[05:23] or somehting
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

Offline GmanJoe

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« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2004, 06:53:02 AM »

[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] NO
[05:24] lolol
[05:24] okay
[05:24] i talked my way out of it
[05:24] didn\'t give them any info
[05:24] But the Kay
[05:24] **** it...
[05:24] whatever
[05:24] 360mg is a LETHAL OVERDOSE
[05:24] just so you know
[05:24] they siad there\'s nothing they can do
[05:24] with just a cell phon enumber
[05:29] * pjs has joined #shroomery
[05:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o pjs
[05:29] .....
[05:30] heh
[05:30] RIP ripper
[05:30] :[
[05:32] rippercam
[05:32] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html
[05:37] * hast has joined #shroomery
[05:42] eh
[05:42] webcam
[05:42] i heard webcam was almost up
[05:42] hm
[05:42] konopincam
[05:42] what was that cam again
[05:42] hey ripper
[05:42] what\'s the url to your cam
[05:42] your cam is hosted by my machine
[05:42] lol
[05:43] it\'s off
[05:43] the cam is off
[05:44] he\'s gone
[05:44] heleft?
[05:44] no
[05:44] he stopped responding
[05:44] no responce on cell
[05:44] yahoo
[05:44] yahoo is slow
[05:44] irc
[05:44] It\'s the ultmate 1950s science fiction horror scenario: "IN THE FUTURE, PEOPLE WILL SIT AROUND ALL DAY WATCHING TELEVISION AND PRESSING BUTTONS"
[05:45] did anyone call poison control
[05:45] i went to eat and now im back
[05:46] * Dell500 has quit IRC (Leaving: )
[05:47] yeah
[05:47] they (and 911) said there\'s nothing they can do
[05:47] with just the cell #
[05:48] ripper cam
[05:48] rippercam
[05:48] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html
[05:48] those who trully get high, never come back
[05:48] you will never know if he died unless he get back on here
[05:49] i know
[05:49] thats kinda freaky
[05:49] yeah
[05:49] oh well
[05:49] then all the logs get to be analyzed
[05:49] * daba has joined #shroomery
[05:49] and we all get to be investigated
[05:49] hello
[05:50] anyone awake?
[05:50] yes
[05:50] oh ****
[05:50] **** is going to hit the fan soon
[05:50] you\'re rifght
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

Offline Kurt Angle

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« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2004, 07:47:36 AM »
I have no sympathy for him, he knew exactly what he was doing.


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