Originally posted by QuDDus
I mean just because you decide you wanna be different means all of sudden you should be given certain rights.
Unlike womens rights, african american rights or such. This is totally different. This you choosing to have sex with the same sex so now everyone must accept it? I don\'t have a problem with them having sex just don\'t try and change laws to make it right in everyones eyes.
Hypothetical question: Purely hypothetical , what if, we discover that homosexuality is indeed a disorder due to a chemical imbalance in the brain / hormones? Should we continue to make it illegal and punish them for something that they was born with? I ask this, because your whole arguement is that they choose to be different - what if they are born different? There are quite a few studies that have came dangerously close to proving this . If that\'s the case, then we as a supposed civilized soceity, cannot punish them for a "birth defect". Can we?
Also whatever happened to seperating the church from the state? Marriage is a religious ceremony. However, to play devil\'s advocate, if you get married you share benefits and many other goverment based items. Insurance, benefits, life insurance and so on. So, while marriage is a religious ceremony, it also has ties to the state aspect. Being married does carry goverment benefits - so that\'s an issue.
That\'s just two points. As for my actual opinion, I have no problem with it. Do I think we need to amend the consitituion? No. I say leave it up to the states to decide for each state. You say people aren\'t ready for homosexuality to become mainstream (sorry, it already is, otherwise \'Queer eye for the Straight Guy\' wouldn\'t be a hit). Well, the best way to tell is let the people vote. That\'s what democracy is, let the people decide what they are ready for. Let the heterosexual\'s vote, let the homosexual\'s vote in each state. Let each state decide, I\'m sure some state\'s won\'t allow it (Kentucky for example) and I\'m sure some will (Cali, for example).
Then again, when was the last time the American people got to make the decision? This effects everyone, therefor everyone should have an effect on the outcome.
Oh yeah and I still want an answer to my first question!
Just my two cents.
