I have visited many different parts of Canada, and I like it. It\'s comfortable and familiar like the US, but just a little "different," which is a nice change. I generally like and agree with their beliefs and standards.
Down sides:
Canadians seem to mostly hate Americans. I think it\'s because we have culturally overwhelmed them to the point where they have to struggle to remember they are different from us. 80% or more of their television, movies, music, and literature comes us, all containing references to the US and assumptions that the audience is here, not there. I can see how that would become weird to be colonized by your neighbor like that.
Canadian weather is awful most of the time. Winters are bitterly hostile, and summer in Ontario is unbelievably humid. As always, I ask myself why humans would voluntarily live so far north on this planet. There are lots of options available (just don\'t come to Southern California please).
Canadians always take their shoes off when entering a house or apartment. That does not happen in the American southwest. I don\'t know why, but I just find it weird.
Canadians put red maple leafs on EVERYTHING in sight. In Canada, you literally cannot turn you head 90 degrees without seeing 3-4 maple leafs. Every company logo, public sign, advertisement, or seal of approval seems to have a maple leaf built into it somehow. Yet they accuse US of being hyperpatriotic with our flag. Give me a break, you guys have us beat in that department.