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Author Topic: the cinema gods have blessed us  (Read 2019 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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the cinema gods have blessed us
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2004, 06:38:19 PM »
Originally posted by mm
LiC - 1

unicron - 0

Thank you.

Seriously though, complaining about the special effects is the lamest thing. It\'s like complaining that it\'s in the original language. If you don\'t like it - go watch your Raymond Burr spliced footage version, the rest of us will be happy to see the original Godzilla, a icon in cinema history.

Originally posted by Unicron!
Look.I accept that things are going too "pop-cultured" these days.I accept that almost everything is commercialised but lasting and retrospecting too much the past in such a degree that everything in these days seems BS is wrong.

I hope you dont prefer that black and white of the 1940s porn :p j/k

MM and my point was never that because it\'s old , it\'s good. The point was, the film is part of cinema history and infact, is a good film. However, most of you are blind to that fact, due to it being B&W and the special effects not being all razzle and dazzle.

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« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2004, 06:59:10 PM »
^ so, because its old... and good to you.  Everyone else is blind?

That’s a pretty lame attitude.  There\'s plenty of "MTV" movies that are good that get branded by mm, and most likely you as being crap simply because they\'re a MTV gen movie. A double standard imo.  Whether its old or new shouldn’t matter. It’s whether you enjoy it. Not everyone enjoys a movie because they\'re told its a "Classic" and should be enjoyed.  They\'re not blind to the fact its a classic, they simply don\'t like it..
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2004, 07:20:29 PM »
No, I stated why I thought it was a good film. Everyone else has only stated why they didn\'t like the film - which can be narrowed to  "its old" and "special effects are outdated".

Offline Halberto
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the cinema gods have blessed us
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2004, 07:34:53 PM »
LIC, shut the **** up and go have sex with your blow up doll

Offline mm
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« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2004, 07:47:06 PM »
im sure he will as soon as you return it vivi
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2004, 07:55:56 PM »
Originally posted by mm
im sure he will as soon as you return it vivi

I have a spare, for when I loan one out.

Offline Unicron!
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« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2004, 04:46:02 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Wow, you\'re brilliant. You established that a movie made in 1954 has old special effects. I\'ll be damned, thanks for telling us about that.

FIrst of all you avoided the concept and the stupid looking monster in todays standards(even if that monster was CGI looks incredibly stupid).You just choose to comment only on what served you to speak ironically.I pointed out that THIS MOVIE ISNT WORTH CELEBRATING ABOUT JUST BECAUSE IT APPEARS IN THEATERS.Its not a great movie anymoreIt was good.Now it doesnt even worth it unless you miss the" good old days".

Btw:I hated the new CGI with superb special effects Godzilla too. :rolleyes:

No matter how much you try even a remake cant make it superb.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

MM and my point was never that because it\'s old , it\'s good. The point was, the film is part of cinema history and infact, is a good film. However, most of you are blind to that fact, due to it being B&W and the special effects not being all razzle and dazzle.

yawn....as I said :Look.I accept that things are going too "pop-cultured" these days.I accept that almost everything is commercialised but lasting and retrospecting too much the past in such a degree that everything in these days seems BS is wrong.

Thats what seems to describe mm as well.Which puts you and him in a different category if thats the case
« Last Edit: February 11, 2004, 04:47:03 AM by Unicron! »

Offline GmanJoe

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the cinema gods have blessed us
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2004, 05:21:16 AM »
I like Godzilla. So all ye naysayers will be set upon by the great Godzilla and either burned to death or stepped on like those toy tanks Godzilla so loves to smash and flatten.

You\'ve been warned. BTW....Godzilla loves to invade little islands, Uni. :p
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Offline Unicron!
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« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2004, 06:03:24 AM »
I ve heard he has made a change of preferences lately :D

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2004, 06:06:53 AM »
FIrst of all you avoided the concept and the stupid looking monster in todays standards(even if that monster was CGI looks incredibly stupid).You just choose to comment only on what served you to speak ironically.I pointed out that THIS MOVIE ISNT WORTH CELEBRATING ABOUT JUST BECAUSE IT APPEARS IN THEATERS.Its not a great movie anymoreIt was good.Now it doesnt even worth it unless you miss the" good old days".
 Btw:I hated the new CGI with superb special effects Godzilla too.  
 No matter how much you try even a remake cant make it superb.

Blah, blah, blah.

If you want to complain about the concept of a monster wrecking havoc on a city, then you may as well complain about every other movie. They\'re not real. You are suppose to suspend your belief.

It isn\'t worth celebrating for you, because you have no clue on it\'s impact on cinema or what a good movie is. It\'s that simple.

Offline Unicron!
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« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2004, 06:25:29 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Blah, blah, blah.

If you want to complain about the concept of a monster wrecking havoc on a city, then you may as well complain about every other movie. They\'re not real. You are suppose to suspend your belief.

It isn\'t worth celebrating for you, because you have no clue on it\'s impact on cinema or what a good movie is. It\'s that simple.

blah blah blah tell me a new movie invloving a monster causing havoc a la Godzilla or King Kong that you know I liked.

I am NOT discussing wether it had an impact on cinema or not.

edit:And I would have never held Mickey Mouse as high as Akira just becuase it was one of the first cartoons that introduced animation for the first time :rolleyes:

« Last Edit: February 11, 2004, 06:28:49 AM by Unicron! »

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« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2004, 07:25:07 AM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
blah blah blah tell me a new movie invloving a monster causing havoc a la Godzilla or King Kong that you know I liked.

I am NOT discussing wether it had an impact on cinema or not.

edit:And I would have never held Mickey Mouse as high as Akira just becuase it was one of the first cartoons that introduced animation for the first time :rolleyes:


You really have no clue. What do they put in the water over at Cyprus?

Your comparison of Mickey Mouse and Akira was one of the dumbest things I have had the displeasure of reading in recent times. You are taking an American icon (Mickey Mouse) and comparing it to a  modern hit (Akira) that was a completely different tone and style. Let\'s see, Mickey Mouse using traditional animation and no real story, where as Akira is anime with a mature storyline. Great comparsion..:rolleyes:

As for your comment about a movie with Godzilla or King Kong that you liked, well, I expect you liked none of them. Why? Because you have no taste in movie\'s. The original Godzilla and King Kong are classic films that are still great.  Why? Because they had something that most films lack now\'a\'days, a soul.  Your complaints are equally dumb as your comparsion. You complain that the special effects are old - well, gee whiz, guess what, it was made in f**kin\' 1954. You complain that the idea of a monster wrecking havoc on a city is old - well guess what? It\'s a sci-fi / horror film. Also, if you want to complain about that, then I guess you don\'t like any movie\'s, as almost every movie requires the viewer to suspend belief for the events of the movie to take place and be enjoyable.

I said it earlier and I\'ll say it again. I feel dumber after reading your post.
:shakes head:

Offline QuDDus
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« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2004, 09:29:26 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
^ so, because its old... and good to you.  Everyone else is blind?

That’s a pretty lame attitude.  There\'s plenty of "MTV" movies that are good that get branded by mm, and most likely you as being crap simply because they\'re a MTV gen movie. A double standard imo.  Whether its old or new shouldn’t matter. It’s whether you enjoy it. Not everyone enjoys a movie because they\'re told its a "Classic" and should be enjoyed.  They\'re not blind to the fact its a classic, they simply don\'t like it..

Godzilla is not merely a film about a giant monster who tramples Tokyo

Godzilla was great. Godzilla has earned its place in film history.
The effect it has had on pop culture and what it symbolized for japan is outstanding.

Some ppl value great things other just don\'t get it. It\'s not about following sheep when something is good it\'s good.

90% of movies today are crappy
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« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2004, 01:47:14 PM »
Your not getting the point.
Let me say it another way.

If a film has 99% of people love it. It’s classified a good film. But that doesn\'t matter to the 1% that does not like it. Whether it’s new or old doesn\'t matter. Its always personal preference. If people are buying classic films, when they don\'t like them, but are getting them simply because they are a classic.  Then they are just as bad as the MTV sheep.
Do u like it because it’s a good film, or because you’re told it’s a good film?

It becomes a double standard when people are saying "how can u judge a film on special effects from 1954" when they judge films now on there special effects and disregard everything else. If it’s pop gen movie it must suck. That’s the attitude I see a lot here.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2004, 01:57:50 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2004, 02:28:39 PM »
I hate plenty of old films. My argument is not that it\'s great because it\'s old. My argument is to say it sucks is ignorant. It is part of cinema history, spawned one of the longest running franchies and happens to be a great movie. A great monster film. Then again, I love the old Universal horrors (\'cept for Creature from Black Lagoon, it bites).


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