Originally posted by Unicron!
blah blah blah tell me a new movie invloving a monster causing havoc a la Godzilla or King Kong that you know I liked.
I am NOT discussing wether it had an impact on cinema or not.
edit:And I would have never held Mickey Mouse as high as Akira just becuase it was one of the first cartoons that introduced animation for the first time :rolleyes:
You really have no clue. What do they put in the water over at Cyprus?
Your comparison of Mickey Mouse and Akira was one of the dumbest things I have had the displeasure of reading in recent times. You are taking an American icon (Mickey Mouse) and comparing it to a modern hit (Akira) that was a completely different tone and style. Let\'s see, Mickey Mouse using traditional animation and no real story, where as Akira is anime with a mature storyline. Great comparsion..:rolleyes:
As for your comment about a movie with Godzilla or King Kong that you liked, well, I expect you liked none of them. Why? Because you have no taste in movie\'s. The original Godzilla and King Kong are classic films that are still great. Why? Because they had something that most films lack now\'a\'days, a soul. Your complaints are equally dumb as your comparsion. You complain that the special effects are old - well, gee whiz, guess what, it was made in f**kin\' 1954. You complain that the idea of a monster wrecking havoc on a city is old - well guess what? It\'s a sci-fi / horror film. Also, if you want to complain about that, then I guess you don\'t like any movie\'s, as almost every movie requires the viewer to suspend belief for the events of the movie to take place and be enjoyable.
I said it earlier and I\'ll say it again. I feel dumber after reading your post.
:shakes head: