did anybody watch it? i thought it was rather lame. i basically watched it cause i heard prince was performing..don\'t laugh..his pruple rain cd was hot & i feel his direct competition at that time was michael jackson as i feel prince is a little bit more manly than mike..anybody seen prince\'s ex-wife?:eek: fine little hotty!
Anyway it seems everybody was being kept in check because of the janet fiasco. I felt the show overall was boring,..i was flipping back & forth between that & the pro bowl which was kinda lame too. meh i used to go out of my way for the award shows (when it was only like the american music awards) now you have mtv music awards, source awards soul train, bet, essence, mtv video music awards,, it\'s just watered down now & those awards don\'t seem to hold much value now imo.
ps:i have a question i seen aundre 3000 from outkast,..now when i first seen him i thought he was straight up gay,..but i know he has a baby with erika badaou. his son was with him last night,..i still think he\'s kinda sweet,..even if the rap community has embraced him...thoughts?