In retrospect, even if the reason was to prevent Japan from being divided like Germany, given what happened to East Germany and the problems that caused, and where Japan is today, it would still be a good reason. Germany is having extremely hard time integrating the east and the west while Japan, even in the current recession, is still the number 2 economy in the world. Japan came a long way since the bomb.
Also, while the deaths to American soldiers might not have been significant, to Japanese soliders AND civilians it might be. Consider this, over 100,000 people were killed in the "conventional" firebombing attacks at Tokyo. If this continued, AND was expanded, it was very likely that the death toll could\'ve been MUCH greater.
This however, is considering everything in retrospect. The truth is, no one knows what could\'ve been or how it would\'ve turned out.
And yes, history is told by one perspective. That is simply how the world works. It is always good to get other perspectives.