Oh cry me a river.
(1) Lord knows Windows 98 never had any problems. :rolleyes: I\'m sorry - but 2K / NT / XP are way more stable than 98 ever dreamed of being. Not to mention, a lot of these bugs can be fixed if people would simply use "WINDOWS UPDATE". Instead, the average user sits around, clicks "CANCEL" when Windows Update beckons and then, when they get infected / exploited, they whine and bitch about MS and exploits. Come on, be responsible. A computer is like a car, take care of it, change the oil , apply patches. You get the drift.
(2) You think you can do better, Vivi? I\'m sure MS would love to hire you, Mr. Perfect . Be realistic, when you have source code this large and so many components working together, there is no way to make it invunerable. It\'s going to happen. Now take in account a large user base, equals a larger target for "hackers" .
(3) Bitch and moan, bitch and moan. That\'s all you people do. Don\'t like it? Get another OS. There is Linux, OS X, and other options. You are not limited becuase MS makes you use Windows. You are limited because you are lazy.