I doubt that it would end up like another Vietnam...it might end up WORSE because since they have a nuke.
Not to mention, North Korea IS China\'s puppet. What North Korea has, China allows. Getting China to do something with North Korea would be productive. Also, Seoul is only 30 miles away, if we went to war with North Korea immediately, Seoul would be gone before we get to the border. This is supposing that they have a nuke thanks to our buddy Bill Clinton (why are you bring up Clinton? Clinton Basher! But the sole reason why they have nukes and are a problem now IS because of Clinton [he made the deal in which North Korea recieved food while they promised not to develop any nukes. A promise they obviously peed away]). This is why deplomacy is important. If not, then the other solution would be to nuke North Korea before they nuke us, or its neighbor (South Korea and Japan in particular). Which again, might not be in time if they striked first in Seoul.
[edit]I\'m all for regime change in North Korea. But different circumstances require different solutions.