It\'s not a popularity contest. To be honest, we have quite a few mods who haven\'t been here in along time. That\'s being taken care of - and it leaves spots open. Not to mention, the site is goin under a transtion to VideogameJournal and the PS3 hype is about to roll in, hopefully. With those two things, we\'re hoping that the site will get some life into it and if so, we need some moderators to fill spots that other moderators have left absent.
A lot of the members complain that the board isn\'t fair and mods have been choosen because other mods like them. I know about that, I was here over two years before MM asked me to start moderating \'Console Discussion\' with Ryu. And yes, a lot of mods have been picked because other moderators liked them. Hell, I done that with Console Discussion, Ginko, and Sonyfan both became moderators, because I recommended them to Ryu and MM.. However, it\'s time for a change and with the political campaign of \'04 , Vid thought we would do something to get some excitement goin on around here.
What Vid is wanting, is what I asked in the other thread. Just for you guy\'s to tell why you should be the moderator and not the other nominee\'s. So far, all we have been gettin\' is cliched answers that are not really specfic. Hell, not even all the nominee\'s are debating in the thread - which goes to show that people didn\'t really want the option to pick the next moderator. They just want it given to them. Everyone also just assumes that it is for OFF-TOPIC (which it may be or may not be). We may pick another forum for whoever is voted in, for example, if Giga is voted in and the other moderators think he could take Luckee\'s spot, he would. It\'s not for sure where the elected moderator will do his "duties".
With all that said - I know who I\'m voting for.
( for me as Super-mod...