OT\'s mod is like watching over a bunch of children and well being how I have a couple Im pretty good at saying no and meaning it! I have hardly ever really spamned, yet try and keep my post witty and somewhat meaningfull at the same time.
So lets look over my fellow runing mates:
Racer: - Posted about male nakedness in the shower and at one point WAS BANNED!!
Come on do any of us really need to know about this and I can assure you I have never been banned being banned should be a an automatic disqualify if you dont know the rules how can you enforce them a second note I have never been in a shower with another man either...
Bozco: - I find no real fault in him and think he would be a very good mod but he is more appropiate for the Political forums way to uptight for OT.
and finally THEOMEN: A Body builder who loves the Simpsons all I can say is something is gonna snap...
Not only that but think about all the English people on this board.. and he thinks you are really annoying at least when you talk your really anoying as he stated here In a thread called the nationaly with the Most annoying accents:
I\'ll have to say New England accents, how the don\'t pronounce the R\'s. Like "I\'ll get in my caw, and drive down to the pawk, even though it\'s real faw fum heah."