Originally posted by JBean
I understand that the NFL is exciting cause you don\'t really know who the best team is until the superbowl is over. Over 60% of the teams are still alive at the end of the season and all have a shot at the playoffs.
Baseball needs a salary cap and even distribution of profits. I used to really love baseball, but now i\'d like to see it rot and die. That\'ll be the only way anything will change.
But I understand why Yankee fans see no problem with the current system, I wouldn\'t be complaining either.
That is why small markets benefit from the draft. I do not think profits should be distributed evenly this is not a democracy.
Why do you think it is so hard for a team to win back to back superbowls? Because teams are always changing cause of salary cap. And player contracts are only getting larger and larger. And it sucks when a team cannot afford to bring back guys who have been there for years because they don\'t have the cap for it.
Your talking about a 57 player team with a salary cap of 70-75million omg.
If rosters stuck together for a period of time it would make better football. I just think If a team has higher profits they should be able to spend a little more.
Or should be given some kind of player rebates.
Look at cleveland labron james is estimated to generate over 2billion dollars for that franchise in the spand of his career it took them a long time but if finally happen for them.