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Author Topic: For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.  (Read 1744 times)

Offline Mr. Kennedy
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« on: February 16, 2004, 05:23:57 AM »
As you all know, the yankees are acquiring yet another all-star, but this time, it\'s the best player in the game, A-rod.  Now, what you probably don\'t know is that their payroll would exceed $200 million, and their luxury tax would be higher than 60% of MLB team salaries.  Baseball has been getting worse year in and year out, and I really think its time to put a cap on spending.

I\'m a sox fan, but I\'m a small-market fan too, please join the cause and sign this petition.

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Offline QuDDus
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2004, 07:42:09 AM »
I won\'t sign this is great for the yanks. I hate the salary cap just look how it has ruined the NFL.
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2004, 07:50:08 AM »
ruined the NFL?

You think it\'s fun for ONE team to grossly outspend all the others?  I\'d be a little more pissed if they had won like 8 world series in a row, but how the f**k are small market teams supposed to compete?

And yes I know the Marlins won last year but they were a fluke.  They won\'t get anywhere close to the playoffs this year.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 07:55:02 AM by JBean »

Offline QuDDus
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2004, 07:54:02 AM »
Originally posted by JBean
ruined the NFL?

You are retarded

Naw just take the time to think about it will all start to make sense too you very soon.
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2004, 07:57:54 AM »
I understand that the NFL is exciting cause you don\'t really know who the best team is until the superbowl is over.  Over 60% of the teams are still alive at the end of the season and all have a shot at the playoffs.  

Baseball needs a salary cap and even distribution of profits.  I used to really love baseball, but now i\'d like to see it rot and die.  That\'ll be the only way anything will change.

But I understand why Yankee fans see no problem with the current system, I wouldn\'t be complaining either. :(
« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 08:00:09 AM by JBean »

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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2004, 08:07:44 AM »
Online petitions are gay.
People who sign them are gay.
Baseball is gay.
If all three things are gay and in the same thread, that must mean this thread is..... GAY .


Offline shockwaves
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2004, 08:34:29 AM »
Pfft.  I hate the Yanks too, but come on.  The sox could have had A-Rod, and they blew it.  They have no one to blame but themselves.  The Yanks did give up a very young guy who had 40-40 potential every year, so it\'s not like this deal was for nothing.

Offline QuDDus
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2004, 08:49:54 AM »
Originally posted by JBean
I understand that the NFL is exciting cause you don\'t really know who the best team is until the superbowl is over.  Over 60% of the teams are still alive at the end of the season and all have a shot at the playoffs.  

Baseball needs a salary cap and even distribution of profits.  I used to really love baseball, but now i\'d like to see it rot and die.  That\'ll be the only way anything will change.

But I understand why Yankee fans see no problem with the current system, I wouldn\'t be complaining either. :(

That is why small markets benefit from the draft. I do not think profits should  be distributed evenly this is not a democracy.

Why do you think it is so hard for a team to win back to back superbowls? Because teams are always changing cause of salary cap. And player contracts are only getting larger and larger. And it sucks when a team cannot afford to bring back guys who have been there for years because they don\'t have the cap for it.

Your talking about a 57 player team with a salary cap of 70-75million omg.

If rosters stuck together for a period of time it would make better football. I just think If a team has higher profits they should be able to spend a little more.

Or should be given some kind of player rebates.

Look at cleveland labron james is estimated to generate over 2billion dollars for that franchise in the spand of his career it took them a long time but if finally happen for them.
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Offline shockwaves
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2004, 08:56:35 AM »
Well, there is a bit of a difference.  Say you set the salary cap at 100 million.  Any team can easily operate under 100 million, going over that is just overkill.

Of course, remember that in sports like the NBA that have a cap, you can go over the cap to resign your own players.  What would be wrong with having a salary cap like that?  Who is hurt then?  You just can\'t sign MORE high priced players.  I don\'t really see who that hurts.  I think it would really be ideal for baseball.

And as for not being able to keep your players because of the cap, I think it\'s even more of a shame when you can\'t keep them because you can\'t afford to.  Just look at Miguel Tejada.  That\'s just awful.

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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2004, 09:04:28 AM »
Don\'t you find it ironic that the two professional sports that don\'t have a salary cap are slowly dying?  


The NHL is going bankrupt and will most likely institute a cap for all teams when / if they redo the structure of the league.  Baseball is headed for the same fate on it\'s current course.

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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2004, 09:08:39 AM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
Well, there is a bit of a difference.  Say you set the salary cap at 100 million.  Any team can easily operate under 100 million, going over that is just overkill.

Of course, remember that in sports like the NBA that have a cap, you can go over the cap to resign your own players.  What would be wrong with having a salary cap like that?  Who is hurt then?  You just can\'t sign MORE high priced players.  I don\'t really see who that hurts.  I think it would really be ideal for baseball.

And as for not being able to keep your players because of the cap, I think it\'s even more of a shame when you can\'t keep them because you can\'t afford to.  Just look at Miguel Tejada.  That\'s just awful.

Being able to go over the salary cap to resign your guys would help the nfl and major league baseball.

With the right coaching staff and good draft picks a small market can do very well. The things is they always have one guy and never develop any other guys around him. Then when his contract is up they can\'t resign him. Is it the yankee\'s fault hell no.
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Offline QuDDus
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2004, 09:13:49 AM »
Originally posted by JBean
Don\'t you find it ironic that the two professional sports that don\'t have a salary cap are slowly dying?  


The NHL is going bankrupt and will most likely institute a cap for all teams when / if they redo the structure of the league.  Baseball is headed for the same fate on it\'s current course.

Salary cap is not killing MLB. The MLB baseball has never fully recovered from that player strike.

And with so many teams going out of the country to get players a lot people never no who is who.

And baseball has losts it\'s appeal with generation X.

As for the NHL well I am not takin nothing away from it but it has always gotten the short end of the stick.

Just never really had that mass market appeal like the other sports.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 10:19:09 AM by QuDDus »
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline Blade
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2004, 09:41:34 AM »
MLB is dying? Since when?

The Red Sox had a different situation than the Yankees, as far as A-Rod goes.

A. The Red Sox couldn\'t afford Manny Ramirez ($20M/year) and A-Rod ($25M/year) so they were forced to trade Manny if they were to get A-Rod.

B. The Red Sox were going to be forced to pay ~$30M~/year for A-Rod if the Rangers accepted Manny in trade. Not worth it. The Yankees got a good deal, because the Rangers agreed to pay a chunk of salary.
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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2004, 10:41:59 AM »
Originally posted by Blade
MLB is dying? Since when?

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For the sake of Baseball sign this petition.
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2004, 10:46:16 AM »
Baseball sucks ass and it is COMPLETELY from lack of salary cap.  That and the length of the season.  Games are pretty damn meaningless until the end.

Hell, they are meaninless anyway because all the season is for is to see who plays the yankess for it all.
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