i am not sure what you are wanted to do, but my guess is you wanted to connect your cable box to your tv rfu connection or maybe RCA (composite) type.
Then for your second connection,
you wanted to connect your vcr to your dvd player and the dvd player to your ps2 and the ps2 to your tv, right?
If that\'s the case, that\'s not possible.
How many Video inputs does your tv have?
based on your sources (ps2, dvd player, vcr, and cable box). That\'s a total of 4 video inputs. but you can connect the cable box to the vcr and the vcr to the tv RFU jack or red, white, blue connection also known as RCA and Compositve Video...
I will make a picture of video connection quality, from the picture.
The worst video quality is RFU as it carry both the video and audio signal in one cable.
The next connection is Composite RCA and a step up from RFU, and that\'s usually label in yellow color. The yellow carry the video signal while red and white carry left and right channel audio. I think your cable box and your VCR have both the RFU and Composite video connection.
Seeing that composite video give cleaner images than RFU, i recommend it if your tv support it.
A step up from composite is S-Video, this cable seperate the Y (brightness) and C (color). This gives a much improve color than Composite. i think your dvd player have this connection. Your ps2 can too if you upgrade it to a s-video. If your tv have S-Video connection, i recommend you to connect your ps2 or dvd player to this type.
The Best connection is Component, this cable seperate the video color imformation in Y (black and white level or brigthness), R (red) signal, and B (blue signal.) I think your dvd player have this connection, so is your ps2 if you wanted to upgrade it to this cable. The question is, does your tv have component jack? If it does, then you are in luck, connect your ps2 or dvd player to this jack.
Depends on how many connections and what type of connections your tv have, if it were me, i connect the vcr to the cable box or cable box to the vcr. Either is fine, and connect the leader to the tv via composite. And i connect your ps2 to the tv best connection like component or s-video if the tv support it. So is your dvd player.
But again, i am not sure what you really asking. Maybe you want to turn all the machines(tv, dvd player, vcr, and cable box) on with one button. That, i don\'t really know how. Maybe get a special kind of remote control that does that like a learning remote or macros like videoholic said...