This is maybe the hardest group for me to actually vote for. I have always thought Bozco could be a good moderator for Off-Topic / Current Events, at the same time, I also think The Omen features enough off-the wall humor and intelligence to do the job . Both are also here daily, so it\'s not a matter of who would be here enough and who wouldn\'t.
The other two nominee\'s is alittle easier for me to seperate. I like Cyrus because he is a fellow jumper and he doesn\'t spam a lot. However, I\'m not sure if he would be able to moderate Off-Topic, due to the fact I don\'t think he would close threads that need closed (nudity,etc)... Then there is Racer , which I wouldn\'t vote for no matter what. Don\'t get me wrong, I like Racer , but he has been picked on by all the members, which means he could hold a grudge and not to mention he is and off and on member. He never is here for long periods, without dissappearing for short periods.
With all that said, it comes down to Bozco and The Omen . My vote has to go towards The Omen . While Bozco would make a fine choice, he features the same dry humor that Ryu, MM and I have. I think a fourth moderator with a dry sense of humor may be overload for most the members. I think we could easily put The Omen in the PC forum or Off-Topic. He is actually another Luke . A cool member, who no one even think of as a moderator, because he wouldn\'t use his powers often and when he did, no one would be pissed. He just has that suave style about him. So, my vote goes for The Omen .