Originally posted by videoholic
Average Joe 2 is crappy, but the chick is so damn hot I still watch.
I couldn\'t have said it any better. All the guys I wanted to get kicked off have gotten kicked off so the only reason to watch is to see the chick.
I feel bad for the REALLY dorky guys they put on Average Joe that fall in love really quick. Its like they fall in love as soon as they meet her.
I thought Obnoxious Fiancee was really good. Steve did a really good job as the groom. I want them to do a follow up so I can see how the family is doing now.
BTW, I am proud to say that I did not watch one minute of Littlest Groom. Midgets just freak me out(as do giants, clowns, really skinny/fat people, little kids with that disease that makes them look old, and some homeless people.) and seeing one make out would probably traumatize me.