Little boy, I\'ve smoked my share of weed before. It\'s funny how pot heads always try to defend MJ like if it was their mother. The only reason you said that " don\'t know shit about marijuana" was to draw attention to the fact that you do it, unless your just lying in order to give a false impression of who you are, and are proud of it. That is exactly the problem with MJ, people do it to be "cool".
Marijuana is TEN TIMES worst than tobacco smoke.
You might be surprised to learn that marijuana contains the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco, and at higher concentrations. Smoking five joints a week is the equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes every day which, even in the short term, leads to lung and respiratory problems-wheezing, frequent chest colds and-yick!-a nasty phlegmmy cough. Long-term use increases the chances of tissue damage and lung cancer, and also causes changes in the brain similar to those caused by long-term use of cocaine and heroin.
It\'s NOT SAFE. It affects your brain you pot head.
The likelihood of a car crash is increased by some of the immediate effects of smoking pot-longer reaction time, poor physical coordination, and impaired concentration. Marijuana also makes you more likely to do something stupid you might regret. Pot-smoking has been linked with risky sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
And if can cause psychological problems on you.
Smoking dope can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and paranoia-and those problems don\'t improve over time. And don\'t you know someone who can\'t do anything without getting high? That\'s because they\'re addicted. Sixty percent of teenagers in drug treatment programs are there because of marijuana.
EVERYSINGLE one of my friends get together every friday to get high. Is it good? Maybe. Is it worth it? Why. If you need a drug in order to feel better about yourself that\'s a whole differet problem. So before you try to defend marijuana in a weed head way, think before you type.